Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Unbroken

There is a brokenness
out of which comes the unbroken,
a shatteredness
out of which blooms the unshatterable.
There is a sorrow
beyond all grief which leads to joy
and a fragility
out of whose depths emerges strength.

There is a hollow space
too vast for words
through which we pass with each loss,
out of whose darkness
we are sanctioned into being.

There is a cry deeper than all sound
whose serrated edges cut the heart
as we break open to the place inside
which is unbreakable and whole,
while learning to sing.

--Rashani Rea

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Visiting Catherine and Ben

He's 90, full of wit and good cheer.  She's 89, no longer
clear who she's with or what's happening.  Before we
go in, he explains, "She'll ask the same question time
and again.  It's hard, of course, but she remains her
same sweet self and we love each more than ever."

Today she wants to know, "When was the last time
we saw each other?"  "Last year at this time," we
say, "right here in your lovely home.  It's so good
to see you again!"  "Oh, yes!", she says, with her
whole heart.  Five minutes later she asks again.

"Would you like cheese and crackers?", she asks,
"Sounds good," we say, and I ask if I can help.  He
warns me off with a shake of his head, quietly saying,
"She can still do a few things like this--they help
her feel more in control of her life."

She returns with a tray--cheese, crackers, napkins
and small plates carefully arranged--stopping
in front of each of us until we take our share.

"This is communion," I think, "the bread of life,
the wine of love, and our cups floweth over.  Never
has a cathedral seen a moment more holy than this."

--Parker J. Palmer

[Photo of John and Gladys Toop with great grandchildren.]

Friday, April 14, 2017

Our Relationship to Time

Our relationship to time has become corrupted exactly because we allow ourselves very little experience of the ‘timeless’. Our language itself is bound in the same way we are bound; we speak continuously of ‘saving’ time, but time in it richness is most often lost to us when we are busy without relief. We speak of ‘stealing’ time as if it no longer belonged to us. We speak of ‘needing’ time as if it wasn't around us already in every moment. We want to ‘make’ time for ourselves as if it were in our power to do so. Time is the conversation between absence and visitation, the frontier and sometimes the barrier between ourselves and those we love; the hours becoming ripe with happening only when we are attentive, patient, and present.

--David Whyte

Saturday, April 8, 2017

The Gift

Just when you seem to yourself
nothing but a flimsy web
of questions, you are given
the questions of others to hold
in the emptiness of your hands,
songbird eggs that can still hatch
if you keep them warm,
butterflies opening and closing themselves
in your cupped palms, trusting you not to injure
their scintillant fur, their dust.
You are given the questions of others
as if they were answers
to all you ask. Yes, perhaps
this gift is your answer.

--Denise Levertov

Of the Empire

We will be known as a culture that feared death and adored power, that tried to vanquish insecurity for the few and cared little for the pen...