Friday, June 30, 2017

Long Afternoon at the Edge of Little Sister Pond

As for life,
I'm humbled,
I'm without words
sufficient to say

how it has been hard as flint,
and soft as a spring pond,
both of these
and over and over,

and long pale afternoons besides,
and so many mysteries
beautiful as eggs in a nest,
still unhatched

though warm and watched over
by something I have never seen –
a tree angel, perhaps,
or a ghost of holiness.

Every day I walk out into the world
to be dazzled, then to be reflective.
It suffices, it is all comfort –
along with human love,

dog love, water love, little-serpent love,
sunburst love, or love for that smallest of birds
flying among the scarlet flowers.
There is hardly time to think about

stopping, and lying down at last
to the long afterlife, to the tenderness
yet to come, when
time will brim over the singular pond, and become forever,

and we will pretend to melt away into the leaves.
As for death,
I can't wait to be the hummingbird,
can you?

--Mary Oliver

[Photo from Stranda, Norway]

Monday, June 12, 2017

Violent Times

The world beyond my oasis
in the woods
writhes in agony, as violence
claims one life after another:
young men and women; children
and their teachers; peaceful citizens,
minding their own business, caught
in a maelstrom of bullets.
The most recent mass murder
took place in Orlando, Flordia.
But it might have been
anywhere, and even now, somewhere
as yet unknown,
there may be another individual
stoking the fires of fear,
discontent, and hatred
until they suddenly explode into gunfire and broken bodies,
leaving blood stains on pavement
that a sea of tears cannot
wash clean.

--Sydney Eddison

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Keeping Silence

Where do the words
come from that
connect me to myself and
to the outside world?
The words that matter arise
from an inaccessible place
beyond the reach of will
and conscious mind.
They cannot be summoned up.
Only in peace and quiet
do they speak their names
softly into the attentive ear,
while the wind's eye
paints their portraits in color.
These are the words
for which I wait
each day.

--Sydney Eddison
[Photo of neighbor's pond in Wallingford, VT]

Of the Empire

We will be known as a culture that feared death and adored power, that tried to vanquish insecurity for the few and cared little for the pen...