Sunday, March 18, 2018

Service Was Joy

I slept and dreamt that life was joy. 
awoke and saw that life was service. 
I acted and behold, service was joy.

--Rabindranath Tagore

[Photo of Interact Club service project]

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

On the Necessity of Snow Angels for the Well-Being of the World

Wherever there is snow, I go, 

making angels along the way. 

Luckily angels have no gender 

and are easier to make 

than you might think. 


All you have to do is let go, 

fall on your back, 

look up at the sky as if in prayer. 

Move your arms like wings. 

Move your legs to make a robe. 

Rise carefully so as to do no harm, 

and walk away. 


All the angels along the path behind you 

will sparkle in sunlight, gleam under the stars. 

In spring the angels will be invisible 

but really they are still there, 

their outlines remain on the earth 

where you put them, waiting 

for you and the snow to return. 


Keep walking, 

towards the next beautiful thing 

you will do. 

-- Grace Butcher

Friday, March 9, 2018

The Voice of Your Own Soul

When you take the time to draw on your listening-imagination, you will begin to hear this gentle voice at the heart of your life. It is deeper and surer than all the other voices of disappointment, unease, self-criticism and bleakness. All holiness is about learning to hear the voice of your own soul. It is always there and the more deeply you learn to listen, the greater surprises and discoveries that will unfold. To enter into the gentleness of your own soul changes the tone and quality of your life. Your life is no longer consumed by hunger for the next event, experience or achievement. You learn to come down from the treadmill and walk on the earth. You gain a new respect for yourself and others and you learn to see how wonderfully precious this one life is. You begin to see through the enchanting veils of illusion that you had taken for reality. You no longer squander yourself on things and situations that deplete your essence. You know now that your true source is not outside you. Your soul is your true source and a new energy and passion awakens in you.

--John O'Donohue

[Photo from the monastery of Clonmacnoise in County Offaly, Ireland]

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Do Not be Dismayed

Do not be dismayed by the
brokenness of the world.
All things break,
and all things can be mended.
Not with time, as they say,
but with intention.
So go. Love intentionally,
extravagantly, unconditionally.
The broken world waits in darkness
for the light that is you.

-– L.R. Knost

Of the Empire

We will be known as a culture that feared death and adored power, that tried to vanquish insecurity for the few and cared little for the pen...