Saturday, May 28, 2022

Hymn for the Hurting


Everything hurts,

Our hearts shadowed and strange,

Minds made muddied and mute.

We carry tragedy, terrifying and true.

And yet none of it is new;

We knew it as home,

As horror,

As heritage.

Even our children

Cannot be children,

Cannot be.

Everything hurts.

It's a hard time to be alive,

And even harder to stay that way.

We're burdened to live out these days,

While at the same time, blessed to

outlive them.

This alarm is how we know

We must be altered--

That we must differ or die,

That we must triumph or try.

Thus while hate cannot be terminated,

It can be transformed

Into a love that lets us live.

May we not just grieve, but give:

May we not just ache, but act;

May our signed right to bear arms

Never blind our sight from shared harm;

May we choose our children over chaos.

May another innocent never be lost.

Maybe everything hurts,

Our hearts shadowed & strange.

But only when everything hurts

May everything change.

--Amanda Gorman [Written after the massacre in Uvalde, Texas in May 2022]

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

For a Parent on the Death of a Child


No one knows the wonder

Your child awoke in you,

Your heart a perfect cradle

To hold its presence.

Inside and outside became one

As new waves of love

Kept surprising your soul.

Now you sit bereft

Inside a nightmare,

Your eyes numbed

By the sight of a grave

No parent should ever see.

You will wear this absence

Like a secret locket,

Always wondering why

Such a new soul

Was taken home so soon.

Let the silent tears flow

And when your eyes clear

Perhaps you will glimpse

How your eternal child

Has become the unseen angel

Who parents your heart

And persuades the moon

To send new gifts ashore.

--John O'Donohue 

[In honor of the children who were slaughtered yesterday at Robb Elementary School.]

Saturday, May 21, 2022



Here's to everything undone today:

laundry left damp in the machine,

the relatives unrung, the kitchen

drawer not sorted; here's to jeans

unpatched and buttons missing,

the dirty dishes, the novel

not yet started. To Christmas

cards unsent in March, to emails

marked unread. To friends unmet

and deadlines unaddressed;

to every item not crossed off the list;

to everything still left, ignored, put off:

it is enough.

--Zoe Higgins

[Photo of my kitchen sink as I make this post!]

Saturday, May 7, 2022

The Dog Body of My Soul


Some days I feel
like a retriever
back and forth
fetching the tired
old balls 
the universe
tosses me.

Some days
I'm on a leash
someone else's
I'm supposed
to be grateful.

Some days
I'm waiting
in a darkened
bladder insistent
not knowing
when my people
will return.

But some days
I hurl myself
into the sweet
stinging surf,
race wildly back
and roll
in the sand's
warm welcome.

--Katherine Williams

Darkest Before Dawn

Three days into the new year, and despite the lack of adequate light, our white phalaenopsis orchid has eased open a third delicate bloom. P...