"Maybe if we reinvent whatever our lives give us we find poems." --Naomi Shihab Nye
Thursday, June 29, 2023
Advanced Book Search
What is June Anyway?
[Another cool and wet June day in Vermont].
Monday, June 26, 2023
A Momentary Creed
I believe in the ordinary day
that is here at this moment and is me
I do not see it going its own way
but I never saw how it came to me
it extends beyond whatever I may
think I know and all that is real to me
it is the present that it bears away
where has it gone when it has gone from me
there is no place I know outside today
except for the unknown all around me
the only presence that appears to stay
everything that I call mine it lent me
even the way that I believe the day
for as long as it is here and is me
--W. S. Merwin
Time for Serenity, Anyone?
I like to live in the sound of water, in the feel of mountain air. A sharp reminder hits me: this world is still alive, it stretches out there shivering toward its own creation. and I'm part of it. Even my breathing
enters into this elaborate give-and-take,
this bowing to sun and moon. day or night.
winter, summer, storm, still--this tranquil
chaos that seems to be going somewhere.
This wilderness with a great peacefulness in it.
This motionless turmoil, this everything dance.
--William Stafford
Friday, June 23, 2023
On Waking
Of the Empire
We will be known as a culture that feared death and adored power, that tried to vanquish insecurity for the few and cared little for the pen...

Yesterday, I lay awake in the palm of the night. A soft rain stole in, unhelped by any breeze, And when I saw the silver glaze on the wind...
Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything. -- C.S. Lewis It's not your absence I feel, but your presence, palpable, still sn...
Agenda in a time of fear: Be not afraid. When things go wrong, do right. Set out by the half-light of the seeker. For the well-lit problem b...