Thursday, November 19, 2020

This is for the Women


This is for the women 
With 9 to 5s 
And 7 to 3s
First shifts 
And graveyard 
With full times
And part times
Who have more month left
Than money
But still make rent
With passports
With no stamps
With vision boards
Of destinations
They are saving to see
With dreams they tuck away
And pull out late at night
Or early in the morning
While the babies are still sleep
Turn it over in their hands
And then shelve it again for safe keeping
This is for the women
Without titles without pensions
With some college
And a lot of loans
With late night classrooms
Online studies
Who won’t give up
Who run the world
On grit and perseverance
This is for the women
Who are anything but
But the world sees as regular
This is for the magicians
Who weave spells of hope
For their children
While putting their hopes on pause
This is for the over the counter
Beauty Queens
With Wet and Wild Lips
And Walgreens legs
And Suave smelling hair
For the women who look in the mirror
To see someone familiar
Because they rarely see reflections
Anywhere else
For the hustlers
Who with tired feet
And tired backs
And spirits whispering
Keep moving
We are almost there
For the women who know
Liberation isn’t found in the clothes they wear
The shoes on their feet
But the dignity in their souls
This is a song for you
And resilient
Moving mountains for your family
I see you
stunning and strong
I see you
Brilliant and beautiful
I see you
Making a life
Out of thin air
Today is for you
An ordinary day
Unmarked on the calendar
No decorations at target
No songs to commemorate
Just an ordinary day
Full of promise
Full of possibilities
Full of hope
Full of magic
Just like you
You who pushes on
You who doesn’t give up
You who bends but doesn’t break
This is for you
You with the stars in your hair
Sun on your lips
Moonlit cheeks
This is for you
You are anything but regular
You are the

  --Leslé Honoré

[A favorite photo of our granddaughter who is the universe!]

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