Thursday, February 25, 2021

the fox & the birch


when the fox wraps its busy tail

tight around its nose,

when the birch exfoliates its bark

to expose

the live-ness of inner rings,

this is warmth

this is preservation.

absorb the light.

photosynthesize away the night.

from woodlands' edge

to tree lines that hedge

natural boundaries,

we sit silent in dens & coves

and home sweet homes

stringing together a few words

like beads on a necklace.

these petitions adorn

our collar bones

and bid us to ask hard questions

and fortify ourselves

like Mother's sturdiest home,

the honeycomb.

each buzz, each paw-fall

each peeling tree

belongs to the song of ecology.

knit, we all are

to this ballad

of the fox & the birch.

a poem for debra

November 2020

rivercity street poet 

aka, Meredith Garrett, Chattanooga, TN

[Commissioned by Barbara Voss as a birthday gift]

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