Friday, April 28, 2023

To Ron (A Remembrance)


A crawl and then a walk

Never in its season;

A laughter and then a talk

Never in its season.

All a backdrop to his life

distant to his ears...a curiosity

Never center stage...

Lurking in the corner and shadow

Life going on around him

In him yet not.

Misguided questions from those shadows

Reaching out to touch an elusive person

Never quite.

A sensible life...

important for us to order;

To him improbable...

Became his own creations.

Words and feelings foreign.

Insects became his curiosity,

lightbulbs his fascination,

Painting colors an expression,

Lengthy showers his caressing,

Photographs his history, without captions,

only filed, neatly of course,

An ordering in his life.

Years unmatched by growth

Only lengthening the shadows.

Games meticulously etched in scrapbooks

With mazes and riddles from an earlier time,

Yet continuing as his sense of life,

Our sense of tragedy,

To be played.

Work quickened the heart, renewed the hopes...

Perhaps there is a way.

Fate cruelly teasing the yearning

As if scripted to be played out.

The riddle unsolved,

The shadows lengthening and tightening their grips...

All, forever, in its season

At Last!


Uncle Dave


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